Archive for April 20, 2012

I’m Still Standing

Posted: April 20, 2012 in Blogging, Death, Family
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Hi Everyone!

I slept better than I have since Mom left this plane. Believe me, there was, and probably will be, a whole lotta cryin’ goin’ on. However, yesterday was particularly cleansing for my spirit and was crucial for my mental health. Any woman who has lost a mother, especially a mother with whom she lived, can appreciate the uniqueness of that grief.

In addition to grieving the loss of my mother, I had another situation taking up space in my head. Through a lot of prayer, a few letters to Mommy, (because I definitely know her energy is still with me), and the experiences of my life this far, I’m hopeful for the first time in a very *LONG* time that ship really has sailed.

I was all ready and set up to write a fun little piece about something every woman needs: fab; glam; bi; lipstick; femme, and; straight. Then, a quick search on “the Google” made me stop, think and utter a few expletives. There’s more material out there than I thought. I’d envisioned the piece from my own experiences over the decades, not realizing there is now an ABUNDANCE of riches. This is good and this is . . . not so good. I’m going to have to take time to do research. Don’t get me wrong. To me, research is like a treasure hunt. However, the timing sucks from the waste water sewer.

[more expletives] Because of the manner in which my mother’s estate is structured, I’ve got what could be a mess to deal with this weekend. Nevertheless, dear TWW fans, there will be a nice, fun article coming–probably around Wednesday. I hate to say when anything will be done these days because I’m getting by sometimes as little as a minute at a time. More often, it’s a day at a time. However, I’ve put a lot of work into this blog and it will not die! I just ask you to be patient a bit longer.

Thank you,